Rob grew up in The Midlands and, after spurning his job as a Hotel Lobby Pianist, discovered Balkan Beats Vol. 1 which ignited his love of Good Tunes and Loud Balkan Brass. The mastermind behind some of our most popular tunes such as #1, #2, and The Hanging Man; Rob moonlights as a Paramedic and refuses to play more than 2 High Cs in a tune.
Jack is from Newcastle.
An annoyingly proficient multi-instrumentalist, Rob’s drunken eBay purchase of a Chaise Longue, a Shopmobility Scooter and a Sousaphone, was the main reason the band felt obligated to get together. Rob’s compositions are intricately crafted and through-composed, and his Magnum Opus, Le Sable, features on the band’s second album, Rabble Rouser.
Tom has combined his degree in Physics, love of Prog Rock, and incredible harmony writing skills to hold the position as the tallest trombone player in the Brass Funkeys. His Jazz inspired compositions, DIY and Dynamo Blues, reflect the band’s routes in this genre.
Harpal plays the drums, drives a lot, and hates films. Harpal’s career peaked in 2007 when he won Young Drummer of the Year, and now, in order to fund his gear habit, he is forced to follow 7 brass players around the UK, complaining constantly about a lack of parking. He will be the one to drive a Thousand Miles to play four to the floor…
Dave grew up on a diet of Reel Big Fish and Jimmy Eat World and has always wanted to be the drummer in a Ska Punk band. He is mainly seen thrusting, gyrating, and getting hair out of his mouth, and contributes very little musically to the band.
Fred is Welsh, Vegetarian, and drives an Electric Car. Although musically-qualified, Fred often finds himself playing triangle. Fred also runs a support group for Electric Car Owners who struggle to find fast charging facilities in remote locations. If you’d like to reach out, please email
Vij is the second tallest trombone player in the Brass Funkeys but has the ranked highest in ratio of shouting ability to size. When not drunkenly swearing at an audience, Vij works as a Jazz Musician and Educator, inspiring the youth of today to follow in his (small) footsteps.
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